「工部大学校の書房と蔵書」"7 蔵書印と蔵書票"に挿図なしで記述あり。蔵書票[一]に該当すると推測。
典拠資料:Adhémar, J. Traité des ponts biais en pierre et en bois. 2. ed., Armand Colin, 1870, 303p. 資料ID:1011831797
典拠資料:Stuart, Charles B. The naval dry docks of the United States. 4th ed., D. Van Nostrand, 1870, 113, 83p. 資料ID:1011831805
典拠資料:Miller, Hugh. The old red sandstone, or, New walks in an old field. A new, improved, and enl. ed., Gould and Lincoln, 1859, xxiv, 427p. 資料ID:1050242617
典拠資料:Zurcher, Frédéric; Margollé, Élie. Volcanoes and earthquakes, ancient and modern. New ed., Blackie, 1874, 309p. 資料ID:1050243144