2024-04-17:新規公開データ26件 / 26 Newly released data
東京大学工学部以外の団体・個人 / Organizations or individuals other than the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
(蔵書印25件、蔵書票1件、計26件。 / 25 Ownership stamps, 1 Ex libris, Total of 26 item.)

2024-03-29:新規公開データ28件 / 28 Newly released data
東京大学工学部以外の団体・個人 / Organizations or individuals other than the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
(蔵書印20件、蔵書票8件、計28件。 / 20 Ownership stamps, 8 Ex libris, Total of 28 item.)

2024-03-14:新規コレクション(アイテムセット)公開 / New Collection (Item Set) has been released.
東京大学工学部以外の団体・個人 / Organizations or individuals other than the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
(蔵書印15件、蔵書票1件、計16件。 / 15 Ownership stamps, 1 Ex libris, Total of 16 item.)

2024-02-22:新規公開データ5件 / 5 Newly released data
工部大學校書房 LIBRARY OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TOKIO. [TOKIO細字・"工部大學校書房"の下に装飾・蔓草]」「Gen. Library. No III. [枠線+ 四隅* 下辺中央§]」「東京帝國大學附属圖書館 №」「東亰帝國大學附屬圖書館 寄贈」「東亰帝國大學附屬圖書館 寄贈

2024-01-26:A new database has been released. (44 Ownership stamps, 56 Ex libris, Total of 100 items. 4 of them were migrated from the Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive.)